Games Continued - Bakermat & Goldfish feat. Marie Plassard: Testo con parole, traduzione e video YouTube
Avete appena sentito la canzone Games Continued cantata da Bakermat & Goldfish feat. Marie Plassard, magari anche voi durante l'ultimo spot Wind? Allora abbiamo per voi buone notizie perché prima di tutto vi abbiamo trovato il titolo della colonna sonora della pubblicità Wind Fiorello sceglie Wind! E Voi? e poi abbiamo preparato anche il testo della canzone con tutte le parole, con perfino la traduzione in italiano, pensate un pò!
Questo e altro è, sito in cui troverete i testi delle canzoni più ascoltate in italia e nel mondo, dei nuovi singoli della della musica Italiana, sempre in continuo aggiornamento. E soprattutto ci impegniamo ogni giorno a trovarvi le musiche degli spot pubblicitari.
Questo e altro è, sito in cui troverete i testi delle canzoni più ascoltate in italia e nel mondo, dei nuovi singoli della della musica Italiana, sempre in continuo aggiornamento. E soprattutto ci impegniamo ogni giorno a trovarvi le musiche degli spot pubblicitari.
Games Continued - Bakermat & Goldfish feat. Marie Plassard: Testo canzone con parole e traduzione in italiano
Games Continued è davvero un bel brano e da tanto valore aggiunto alla pubblicità di Wind Fiorello sceglie Wind! E Voi?, ed ecco a seguire il testo in lingua originale:**** Testo ****
Lyrics Games Continued - Bakermat & Goldfish feat. Marie Plassard
You've got digging
I've got the flower, you've got your pride
I've got my shame, you've got your look
Workers in his mind, but you don't
Darling, I'm running
You've got digging
I've got the flower, you've got your pride
I've got my shame, you've got your nerve
Workers in his mind, but you don't
Darling, I'm running
I'm not the flame and you are defrost
Let me explode, let me burst
Let me shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout
Let me shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout
You've got digging
I've got the flower, you've got your pride
I've got my shame, you've got your nerve
Workers in his mind, but you don't
Darling, I'm running
You've got digging
I've got the flower, you've got your pride
I've got my shame, you've got your nerve
Workers in his mind, but you don't
Darling, I'm running
I'm not the flame and you are defrost
Let me explode, let me burst
Let me shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout
I've got the flower, you've got your pride
I've got my shame, you've got your look
Workers in his mind, but you don't
Darling, I'm running
You've got digging
I've got the flower, you've got your pride
I've got my shame, you've got your nerve
Workers in his mind, but you don't
Darling, I'm running
I'm not the flame and you are defrost
Let me explode, let me burst
Let me shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout
Let me shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout
You've got digging
I've got the flower, you've got your pride
I've got my shame, you've got your nerve
Workers in his mind, but you don't
Darling, I'm running
You've got digging
I've got the flower, you've got your pride
I've got my shame, you've got your nerve
Workers in his mind, but you don't
Darling, I'm running
I'm not the flame and you are defrost
Let me explode, let me burst
Let me shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout
A seguire, anche il video e la traduzione in lingua italiana.
Video canzone Games Continued - Bakermat & Goldfish feat. Marie Plassard
Ecco il filmato originale della canzone di Bakermat & Goldfish feat. Marie Plassard "Games Continued" riportato di seguito:
[youtube src="1std7tlQW7U"/]
Ed infine, ecco anche la traduzione della canzone Games Continued cantata da Bakermat & Goldfish feat. Marie Plassard:
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