Se siete in cerca dell'ultimo singolo Light On, siete nel posto giusto!
Qui potrete trovare tutti i testi, i video e le traduzioni del suo nuovo album "I Want ", ma non solo....
Su troverete i testi delle canzoni delle canzoni più ascoltate in italia e nel mondo, del nuovi singoli della della musica Italiana, sempre in continuo aggiornamento. Non dimenticate che su dmusic trovate anche le canzoni delle pubblicità!
Light On è l'ultimo singolo estratto dal nuovo album di The Kolors "I Want " pubblicato il 19 maggio 2014
Per tutti i testi delle altre canzoni di The Kolors e di questo album, puoi andare nella nostra raccolta dedicata alla cantante:
Ecco il filmato originale della canzone di The Kolors "Light On" riportato di seguito:
Qui potrete trovare tutti i testi, i video e le traduzioni del suo nuovo album "I Want ", ma non solo....
Su troverete i testi delle canzoni delle canzoni più ascoltate in italia e nel mondo, del nuovi singoli della della musica Italiana, sempre in continuo aggiornamento. Non dimenticate che su dmusic trovate anche le canzoni delle pubblicità!
Light On è l'ultimo singolo estratto dal nuovo album di The Kolors "I Want " pubblicato il 19 maggio 2014
Per tutti i testi delle altre canzoni di The Kolors e di questo album, puoi andare nella nostra raccolta dedicata alla cantante:
Light On - The Kolors: testo, video e traduzione
I've gotta quit faking to myself..
well, I shouldn't go there!
I thought it was easy to pretend
but now I'm feeling alone... (I want it!)
I'm gonna find love where love is not
something you decide to do. uoouooooh
You're gonna find clubs and drugs and laughs
from someone else.. Yeah! oooooooohh
Cause something here is goin' on
I wanna turn the light on
to figure out what's goin' on
but when she's takin' off her clothes
I tried turn the light on
to see there's nothing but a doll
I don't know why you deceive youself.
Hey, you shouldn't stay here!
I thought you were clubbing with your fit friends
for as long as you could... (I want it!)
I'm gonna go out, have fun, meet someone
like normal people do… ooouooooh
I really don't know to fill this emptiness inside
Cause something here is goin' on
I wanna turn the light on
to figure out what's goin' on
but when she's takin' off her clothes
I tried turn the light on
to see there's nothing but a doll
and when she starts to feel me drop
she tried to turn the light on
believing I was insecure
I want to turn light on
I want to turn light on
Something here is goin' on
I wanna turn the light on
to figure out what's goin' on
and when she starts to feel me drop
she tried to turn the light on
believing I was insecure
well, I shouldn't go there!
I thought it was easy to pretend
but now I'm feeling alone... (I want it!)
I'm gonna find love where love is not
something you decide to do. uoouooooh
You're gonna find clubs and drugs and laughs
from someone else.. Yeah! oooooooohh
Cause something here is goin' on
I wanna turn the light on
to figure out what's goin' on
but when she's takin' off her clothes
I tried turn the light on
to see there's nothing but a doll
I don't know why you deceive youself.
Hey, you shouldn't stay here!
I thought you were clubbing with your fit friends
for as long as you could... (I want it!)
I'm gonna go out, have fun, meet someone
like normal people do… ooouooooh
I really don't know to fill this emptiness inside
Cause something here is goin' on
I wanna turn the light on
to figure out what's goin' on
but when she's takin' off her clothes
I tried turn the light on
to see there's nothing but a doll
and when she starts to feel me drop
she tried to turn the light on
believing I was insecure
I want to turn light on
I want to turn light on
Something here is goin' on
I wanna turn the light on
to figure out what's goin' on
and when she starts to feel me drop
she tried to turn the light on
believing I was insecure
A seguire, anche il video e l'eventuale traduzione in lingua italiana.
Cerchi anche il video della canzone?
Ecco il filmato originale della canzone di The Kolors "Light On" riportato di seguito:
[youtube src="FxCf5anPknI"/]
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