Se siete in cerca della canzone di Elisa Bad Habits, siete nel posto giusto!!
Qui potrete trovare tutti i testi, i video e le traduzioni del suo nuovo album "On", ma non solo....
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Bad Habits canzone estratta dal nuovo album di Elisa "On" pubblicato il 25 marzo 2016.
Per tutti i testi delle altre canzoni di Elisa e di questo album, puoi andare nella nostra raccolta dedicata alla cantante:
Bad Habits - Elisa: Testo, video, traduzione
Thought it was a thick wall I was leaning on
Thought I found the right war worth fighting for
They’re breaking in
And they want more
In the circle of trust, here I stand alone
A fistful of dust, is all I have to show
I’m wearing thin, and I’m letting go
Miles and miles beneath the ground
Lies the feeling I have found
Love that pulled me out the door
Love I’ve never felt before
Once it laid down next to me I saw all that I couldn’t see
Everything they took from me
But I’ll break bad habits
Old habits to break
When it’s getting dark no one’s gonna know
We’re fed to the sharks in the undertow
“oh… what have I done?” “I don’t know”
“we’ll blame it on them”, “we’ll put on a show”
You cry out for help, cuz you’ve lost your soul
But once again, we’ll forget it all
Miles and miles beneath the ground
Lies the feeling that I’ve found
Love that pulled me out the door
Love I’ve never felt before
Once it laid down next to me I saw all I couldn’t see
Everything they took from me
But I’ll break bad habits
Old habits to break
Hard habits to break
I’ll break bad habits
Miles and miles beneath the ground
Lies the feeling that I’ve found
Love that pushed me out the door
Love I’ve never seen before
Once it laid down next to me I saw all I couldn’t see
Everything they took from me
Gotta break bad habits
I’ll break bad habits
Break bad habits
I’ll break bad habits
Cerchi anche il video della canzone?
Ecco il filmato della canzone di Elisa "Bed Habits" riportato di seguito.
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